Please use the form below to contact us for any questions and to sign up for the membership emails that are regularly sent out.
2025 - Officers
(from left) Tiffany Mallard, Christine Schneider, and Josh Napier
These are the current Officers, their employers who generously give them time and resources to volunteer, and their contact information.
christine schneider Sec/treas 479-925-7655
TIFFANY MALLARD Chair 479-756-3657
Josh Napier vice-chair 479-238-2399
Board Of Directors
These are the ones who have served in the past as officers, the employers who still generously let them serve, and their term ending dates.
zak johnston 2027
Mayo Miller
Nathan Hooper
Darryl Fendley 2029
Austin Ramsfield 2028
State Representative/NWD Director
Stacy Cheevers
Term Began in 2016